Now it has all calmed down, can we move forward and not look back in anger. There has been some incredible vocabulary used by politicians in the last week. Xenophobia, disengaged, Fear, Anger, all of these words have negative perspectives.
Surely we should be using, community, empowered, pride, tolerant as replacements as this is how we have been living in the last three decades. One UKIP MEP stated that although he would naturally be out of a job in the next few years, his political ambition to serve his constituency would not waiver, although he admitted he would need to find a different path to do so.
So where does this unrest lead us to? The FTSE is back up to ‘normal’ levels, The pound has rallied, and everyone is still talking to each other in Europe. The agenda for change is being drafted, and David Cameron will steer this ship, until a new captain can take over, we are not rudderless.
And to property …….. have banks stopped lending? Not to my knowledge. Are interest rates predicted to rise? Not in the near future, at least. Which is interesting in itself, as the economists have been predicting a rise for the last eighteen months; still not happened.
The important thing to realise, is that we can adapt. One of the things that most individuals with a bit of business sense can do, is find ways of solving problems in hand, or engineer ways around them. There is change ahead. It may not be choreographed as well as a Diversity dance act, but we will get to the other side.
And that is my point. Property investors, for the most part, will continue do what they are doing, they will follow the principles of property investment, and they will monitor and assess their goals and objectives.
All change ……
Where do you see your portfolio going? Up, down or sideways?
Let me know if I can help you in any way.